Friday, April 30, 2010


I spoke with my Dr. Helene Leonetti, about thermography as a possible reliable test. She said it is not recognized by traditional medicine YET, although very reliable and can detect cancer many years before a lump appears. She is adamantly opposed to mammograms, as they radiate the breast, causing cancer. Thermography is an alternative to mammograms. She said that I'm going to have to make the sacrifice and take the surgery, but as Paula Johnson says, "If they go in and find nothing--they have found nothing-- which is a proof of its own!" So we'll see! Surgery is scheduled for May 7th, but the lump diagnosis will take 2 weeks. Ah, se la vie!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


"In Western medicine when we hear the word cancer, we panic. With Eastern medicine, they simply treat it as another condition, and take care of it".   These were the words of wisdom spoken to me by my friend Orest Pelechaty .  He said digestion is essential to optimal health, and promptly put me on enzymes. Dar often suggests taking bitters 1/2 hour before meals.
Bill Brodhead mentioned that The Healing Centre in OR, believes the key to beating cancer is building up your immune system.  (check out his picture to the left, and the rest of his photos at they're amazing).  My "Auntie Kay" (Kay Cordell Whitaker, author of The Reluctant Shaman and The Sacred Link surprised me with the grand information about red meat being healthy, provided it's organic.  Grass fed is so important and rare these days! Kay says "stop eating all vegetable oils. These veggie oils are very carcinogenic!!!!"  Eat only animal fats and coconut and palm oils. Never cook with olive oil.
       While in the tee pee ceremony, I saw a face with big teeth come up and bite me right in the chest!  Kay, who was in New Mexico, in pipe ceremony for me at the same time, saw it also, and said it was the spirit of Sage biting the cancer right out of me.  How interesting!  She said spirits take on all sorts of interesting forms.  I know I have physically felt and seen them.  For me, they have felt exactly like human touch.  Kays teachings are a significant part of my spiritual foundation.  Although in New Mexico, she is near and dear to me in my heart, always.  Thank you Auntie Kay!