Saturday, April 24, 2010

So much has happened

My brother Dar did a Cherokee healing ceremony for me on 2/21/10.  This was one out of a series of four.  He pulled out the spirit of cancer, and we literally saw it behind the tee pee, fussing and fuming that it had been dislodged.  With 40 people present and praying, it had absolutely NO permission to return. Thank you Dar!
My research began.  Cancer comes as a result of genetics, environment, foods, emotions and spirit.  I had LOTS of work to do on myself. Using some of my own inner processes (healer - heal thyself!) As much as I could, I resolved and healed every significant relationship I could think of from child hood up.  This included my anguish over not being present for Tashina, in a way that would have felt right for me.  Now, it feels sooooo good!
According to Jerri Brunetti, 12 year cancer survivor, personality C types are more cancer prone, and he described it something like this:
1) Lack of close relationship in childhood with 1 or more parent(s).
2) Despair or unhappiness over family life.
3) Non expressive with anger.
This supported my research on the importance of inner work/healing. 
Jackie Tice and Dr. Nick Dimartino told me to honor the herbs I'm taking by thanking them for their gifts and healing my body.  Nice touch! 
I try to exercise a little every day, even if it is "just a little".  I try to eat organic as much as possible.  I try to consume raw dairy (very good for you) and stay away from processed dairy.  I found out that almost everyone having cancer has leaky gut syndrome.  4 oz. of raw cream per day fills in the leaks.  Young Livings' Ninxia Red taken daily, helps re-set the gut.  Vitamin D is more of a hormone than a vitamin, and helps alkalize the body.  I'm taking 6-8000 IU daily.  Interesting stuff!
Since healing cancer outside of allopathic medicine is in the minority, I haven't been able to land a conclusive medical/scientific test that will prove how much or little cancer is left in my body.

Test options:
1.  Blood test - non conclusive because as cancer cells die, they release into the blood stream, showing an increase in cancer cells.
2.  Pet scan - must be accompanied by a cat scan, and a 1.3 cm lump is considered to small to scan.  Reason is, by nature of certain organs such as the heart, bladder etc. they, along with the cancer, will light up during scan.  Additionally, the oncologist is emphatic about not seeing me again until after surgery.
3.  Biopsy - the surgeon said even if I get a 2nd or 3rd biopsy showing I don't have cancer, he won't believe it because they could easily miss the cancer cells.
4. MRI - I just found out about this, or I would have asked the narrow minded oncologist about it.  Apparently this is a more detailed view, but I don't know if it's actually an option for me.  I'm running out of time before scheduled surgery. 

According to kinesiology testing, dowsing and intuition, my cancer cells are non-active. The problem is, there are no conclusive NON-invasive medical/scientific tests that I know of available to prove my current condition. My surgeons' theory is "remove it, to prove it".  I have a great deal of family pressure to have a lumpectomy (scheduled for May 7th at St Lukes Hosp. in Quakertown with Dr. Darius Desai, a very good surgeon).  Even I myself, believe it is a good idea to have medical proof of my current status, to know how to best proceed.  Either way (cancer free or not) this will be a life long change.  In order to remain cancer free, I am permanently adapting my new lifestyle.  More on what that is later :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lifestyle Change

Healing cancer is time consuming! The following is a partial list of what I have been doing spiritually and emotionally (a little of something every day), and the people who have helped me. If no name is listed, I probably facilitated myself.

1. Clearing cancer for 7 generations of my family, past & future
2. Foot reflexology (Diane Alex )
3. Body harmonizer - lazer surgery with color, light and sound vibration , Perspiration tent (Dan Tuck)
4. Cherokee healing ceremonies in Tee Pee (Dar Khabbaz)
5. Radionics & accurate Dowsing (Dan Tuck)
6. Brass rings (Scott Anderson)
7. Color therapy and psychic surgery
8. De-tox baths (salts & baking soda. Vinegar. Herbals)
9. Ancient Egyptian treatments and procedures (Gloria Leight & Tani)
10. Energy healing and clearing
11. Past life soul regression SRT
12. Massage Diane Larkin (# offered with her permission: 610 395-4395)
13. Inner communication dialogue between the condition & myself
14. Reiki (Kay Sivel )
15. Diaphragmatic breath work (Bill Lampe
16. Crystal healings
17. Gemstone treatments (Peter Iobst)
18. Drumming, Rattle &Vibrational healing
19. Altantean paddle balancing & psychic readings (Rev. Delores Stevens)
20. Ripcurrent relief
21. Sound vibration healing
22. Meditations
23. Tibetan ball De-tox massage (
24. Cherokee traditions (David Winston)
25. Lakota pipe ceremonies
26. Dowsing and Kinesiology
27. Meridian balancing/Aura cleansing
28. Tani’s process (popcorn therapy) with Adrienne Rayna assisting
29. Exercise including; qui gong, pilates, tai chi, lymphatic brushing
30. FUN and laughter with family and friends
31. Most importantly, prayers from YOU!!!!

Keeping cancer dormant or inactive, is a positive change in my lifestyle, forever. Laughter, experiencing life happily, turning negatives into positives and looking on the bright side, are all essential for me. I soak in all warmth from loved ones, and take extra time to notice and receive in beauty surrounding me. I love and enjoy you ALL!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Research & Physical Practice

Dr. Dimartino (Woodlands Research Center ) presented my case to Dr. Kracht, Burns & Schmidt. They all recommend a lumpectomy in addition to herbal/vitamin/mineral natural support. Knowing my preference is to avoid invasive surgery if possible, they gave me wonderful alternatives including high doses of intravenous vitamin C (a pro oxidant) to break down and kill cancer cells, and peptide injections (full of amino acid) to build the immune system (expensive treatment).

My list of Physical holistic Daily care to date includes:

Herbalist Alchemist tinctures recommended by Dar Khabbaz
7 precious mushrooms – Blend of: Reishi fungus’s, chaga, shitake, and maitake fungus, cordyceps mycelium.
Alterative compound – Blend of: Red clover flower, burdock root, buckthorn bark, licorice, Oregon grape, stilingia, and poke root, prickly ash bark, quassai wood, and potassium iodide.

Dr. Hulda Clark:
• L-Cystein, L-Argenine, L-Orthenine
• Parasite killer machine (kills parasites, fungus, mold, harmful bacteria, yeast)
• Ozonated water – kills free radicals, oxygenates blood.
• Parasite cleanse

Young Living OILS:
Frankincense, Orange oil - kills cancer, Juva Cleanse – supports liver
NingXia Red - 1 oz daily

Young Living Supplements:
JuvaPower – intestinal cleanser
Alka lime – alkaline balancer (like baking soda)
Juva tone – promotes healthy liver function
Core Essentials
Mineral Essence

Orest Pelechaty, C.A., Dipl CH
Tibetan Jewel Pills
Digestive enzymes (excellent for optimal health)
Homeopathic De-tox

Foods:  As much as I possibly can: alkaline, raw, organic.

Exercise: various types about 20 min per day. Trampoline for lymphatic stimulation.

Vitamins & Minerals: 8000 IU Vitamin D daily, Chlorella, Kelp, 1 oz. Aloe Vera juice, Green Tea

Even with all this, I find I’m still missing certain things that are imperative for killing cancer. I learn as I go along.

Dr. Linda Tyrie, excellent chiropractor and dear friend, has been helpful to me in discovering things that will help. I’m low in iodine. Iodine creates a hostile environment for cancer. Cats claw unmasks the cancer cells (which like to hide) so that the immune system can recognize and attack them. She offers Standard Process which has a supplement, mammary p.m.g, that gives the body a blueprint of what healthy breasts and tissue look like.

My Intention

I am deeply moved and feel warmly embraced in a beautiful loving blanket of your warm responses! Thank you all for keeping your comments positive, it helps tremendously!
My intention is to heal myself holistically, but include what ever is necessary to live a long and happy life.  Many of you feel, as do I, that I will fully recover from this and be happier, healthy, more confident and a better person for having had this experience.  I feel the support of your prayers daily, keep 'em coming! Thank you!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


My family and friends have shown up with full support.  After we have a doctor appointment, we all go out to eat, discuss and celebrate!  Laughter and love are two of the greatest contributors to building up the immune system.  Education seems to be the key.  Reading, listening to a variety of doctors, learning from the stories of cancer survivors, then figuring out what works for me.
As David Winston said, I'm in a maze right now, but there IS a way out. 
My cousin Joni, in Norfolk VA, eloquently sumarized my situation on her blog post entitled:
Today I had a Talk... Sunday, March 7, 2010 She welcomes you to read it and enjoy her beautiful photos too!