Thursday, April 22, 2010

Research & Physical Practice

Dr. Dimartino (Woodlands Research Center ) presented my case to Dr. Kracht, Burns & Schmidt. They all recommend a lumpectomy in addition to herbal/vitamin/mineral natural support. Knowing my preference is to avoid invasive surgery if possible, they gave me wonderful alternatives including high doses of intravenous vitamin C (a pro oxidant) to break down and kill cancer cells, and peptide injections (full of amino acid) to build the immune system (expensive treatment).

My list of Physical holistic Daily care to date includes:

Herbalist Alchemist tinctures recommended by Dar Khabbaz
7 precious mushrooms – Blend of: Reishi fungus’s, chaga, shitake, and maitake fungus, cordyceps mycelium.
Alterative compound – Blend of: Red clover flower, burdock root, buckthorn bark, licorice, Oregon grape, stilingia, and poke root, prickly ash bark, quassai wood, and potassium iodide.

Dr. Hulda Clark:
• L-Cystein, L-Argenine, L-Orthenine
• Parasite killer machine (kills parasites, fungus, mold, harmful bacteria, yeast)
• Ozonated water – kills free radicals, oxygenates blood.
• Parasite cleanse

Young Living OILS:
Frankincense, Orange oil - kills cancer, Juva Cleanse – supports liver
NingXia Red - 1 oz daily

Young Living Supplements:
JuvaPower – intestinal cleanser
Alka lime – alkaline balancer (like baking soda)
Juva tone – promotes healthy liver function
Core Essentials
Mineral Essence

Orest Pelechaty, C.A., Dipl CH
Tibetan Jewel Pills
Digestive enzymes (excellent for optimal health)
Homeopathic De-tox

Foods:  As much as I possibly can: alkaline, raw, organic.

Exercise: various types about 20 min per day. Trampoline for lymphatic stimulation.

Vitamins & Minerals: 8000 IU Vitamin D daily, Chlorella, Kelp, 1 oz. Aloe Vera juice, Green Tea

Even with all this, I find I’m still missing certain things that are imperative for killing cancer. I learn as I go along.

Dr. Linda Tyrie, excellent chiropractor and dear friend, has been helpful to me in discovering things that will help. I’m low in iodine. Iodine creates a hostile environment for cancer. Cats claw unmasks the cancer cells (which like to hide) so that the immune system can recognize and attack them. She offers Standard Process which has a supplement, mammary p.m.g, that gives the body a blueprint of what healthy breasts and tissue look like.

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