Thursday, May 6, 2010


Ahh, finally finished my grant application!  Wow, what an effort.  Wanting to send it in so I can simply relax next week, we just spent 3 hours figuring out how to make a 4 minute clip of a 20 minute meditation I recorded last year, and will send it all in tomorrow morning!
I register at St. Lukes Hospital in Quakertown at 10 a.m. tomorrow,  have my 1st injection at 11, and surgery begins at 1.  Dr. Desai's surgeries typically last 2 - 2.5 hrs, my recovery 1 hour,  about an hour to stabilize, and home after that!!  With the assistance of my friend Cheyenne I've asked my spirit to be very present during the procedure, and to make sure everything goes well :) I'm happy now.
Angels will be at my side, as will your thoughts and prayers, keep them coming.  A smooth operation tomorrow, great assistance, speedy recovery, then better than ever!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Your support has been incredible!! An amazing journey.
Here's my thinking: They'll remove the lump in 2 days, and get the results in 2 weeks.  If it has cancer cells, it's a good thing it's out!  If the cancer cells are dormant, it's medical proof that everything we did worked (I said WE, because it's been my effort, your prayers & healing, and Creators power - together).
What's amazing to me is I've learned to be peaceful and enjoy life in the present moment, no matter what's going on.  During the course of my cancer experience, just at a time when I'm to be laughing relaxing and doing LESS, I discovered that healing cancer is time consuming, my grant application opened up and is due right after surgery,  my bills became higher, I lost my child support, and was just informed my health insurance expires 3 days after surgery (it's so much that I'm laughing right now!). 

So I learned that "what" is going on doesn't matter, "how" it's going on does.  I feel loving every moment I can (this includes kidding around with insurance people on the phone, receptionists and tellers, etc), taking in the beauty of nature each time I'm driving to an appointment, and soaking in YOUR care and positive thoughts all the way down through my feels so incredibly good to be inside me right now!

Yesterday - What a Mothers Day Gift!