Sunday, August 8, 2010

Time to Talk

I gave a talk in Frenchtown N.J. last week.  This is my outline...

1) Living a healthy lifestyle with a cancer diagnosis

F un, feel good about yourself, have fun watching funny movies, reading delightful books, socializing and laughing with friends. What can you add to this list?

U nderstanding, have patience with yourself. Pay attention to your feelings, acknowledge & honor them.

N urture yourself. Take time to take care of yourself. Prioritize you, just once a day!

2) Preventing the re-occurrence of cancer

D iet, Alkaline based. 80/20 (80 alkaline, 20 acidic). Digestion! Blake Sawyer Homeostasis  Protocol, 1-512-263-2420 or toll free: 1-877-488-7423,, in Lakeway TX.
Jerry Brunetti 1-800-355-5313 (farming site, but he came through cancer, no surgery as far as I know). He's in N.J.
Tani recommends:  #1066040 

I deal thinking “de-stress within stress”. Breathe, breathe, breathe.

E xercise, lite – yoga, Qui Gong, Tai chi, light aerobics, comfortably work up to your old exercise program, if it was intense.

T reat yourself – supportive people, groups & relationships.

3) Can we avoid cancer in the 1st place?

L ook at patterns, what is hurting or taking away from.

O utlook. If we can’t change our circumstances or environment, change our point of view. Simplify your lifestyle & home, spiritual honor. “What you possess, you are possessed by” Peruvian saying.

V alidate your feelings, acknowledge, do I want to do something about it? Anger…purpose to enable you to stand up for yourself. Cancer = what is eating away at you?

E xpansion, allow growth, try new things.

1 + 2 + 3 can = cancer free!