Sunday, August 8, 2010

Time to Talk

I gave a talk in Frenchtown N.J. last week.  This is my outline...

1) Living a healthy lifestyle with a cancer diagnosis

F un, feel good about yourself, have fun watching funny movies, reading delightful books, socializing and laughing with friends. What can you add to this list?

U nderstanding, have patience with yourself. Pay attention to your feelings, acknowledge & honor them.

N urture yourself. Take time to take care of yourself. Prioritize you, just once a day!

2) Preventing the re-occurrence of cancer

D iet, Alkaline based. 80/20 (80 alkaline, 20 acidic). Digestion! Blake Sawyer Homeostasis  Protocol, 1-512-263-2420 or toll free: 1-877-488-7423,, in Lakeway TX.
Jerry Brunetti 1-800-355-5313 (farming site, but he came through cancer, no surgery as far as I know). He's in N.J.
Tani recommends:  #1066040 

I deal thinking “de-stress within stress”. Breathe, breathe, breathe.

E xercise, lite – yoga, Qui Gong, Tai chi, light aerobics, comfortably work up to your old exercise program, if it was intense.

T reat yourself – supportive people, groups & relationships.

3) Can we avoid cancer in the 1st place?

L ook at patterns, what is hurting or taking away from.

O utlook. If we can’t change our circumstances or environment, change our point of view. Simplify your lifestyle & home, spiritual honor. “What you possess, you are possessed by” Peruvian saying.

V alidate your feelings, acknowledge, do I want to do something about it? Anger…purpose to enable you to stand up for yourself. Cancer = what is eating away at you?

E xpansion, allow growth, try new things.

1 + 2 + 3 can = cancer free!


  1. Great outline, Tani.

    I also like your reflections earlier on the spirit of cancer.

    Much love, Cousin John

  2. I'd like to thank each and every one of you for continuing to read my blog. I appreciate every single person who is keeping up with it. I am taking the time to write, to benefit all of us. I've learned so much on so many levels, and will continue learning and sharing more. You are all my beloveds, Thank You!! Tani
