Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm doing well, bouncing back!  I seem to be over the "blues" of feeling bad, which lasted on and off for about 2 weeks.  Next week is my birthday.  Although it's a dark photo taken at my last show...not bad for turning 50 eh??! 

Today I will have my 1st day of physical therapy (I can't stretch my right arm out, very uncomfortable).  I've been receiving intravenous drips of vitamin C at the Woodlands, weekly.  I don't notice a difference yet, but Dr. D said I will.  The nurse, Kathy, said that the healthier I am, the longer it will take to notice a significant improvement. 
I'm very happy because my dear friend, Lotus Payer (mother of my daughters boyfriend, Josh), told me about "The Homeostasis Protocol" written by Blake Sawyer. I beginning to follow his protocol, and I highly recommend his work.


  1. Dear Tani,
    Your entire blog is powerful and insightful.
    Thanks for all you are sharing.
    My prayers for you continue.
    Love, Cousin John McCabe
