Wednesday, March 9, 2011

In a Nutshell

1. Get your lymphatic system moving! It removes toxins and garbage from your body. Gently bounce on a rebound-air 15 min daily to move the lymphatic system, and exercise everyday.

2. De-stress within stress. Surrounded by stress, simply de-stress yourself in the midst of it - BREATHE and bring in joy, appreciate life, be compassionate, love & laugh often!

3. Eating lifestyle: dead food = dead bodies, live food = LIVE bodies. I cannot stress the importance of this enough.

This includes choice vitamins, herbs, plant essences and organic foods. Consider your blood type, if you eat meat, make it good quality (hormone free, healthy diet, naturally raised etc.). Dairy, I prefer raw, un-homogenized and un-pasteurized.

4. Water system. I recommend purchasing Regency Elite from Blake Sawyer: 1-877-488-7423 This water has 12 vital properties. By the way, distilled or reverse osmosis are the 2 most harmful waters, because they are "dead". Read Sawyers "The Homeostasis Protocol".

5. Dental work. Try to avoid metal fillings. They leak metals into your body for the rest of your life.

Our body breaks down heavy metals and protects itself by building fungus & yeast, a fermentation known as Candida. Candida, over-grown, can burrow inside the intestinal walls making holes in the intestines, creating "leaky gut syndrome" where foods can leak directly into the blood stream. Our body will also make deposits of excess toxins in areas least necessary for functioning optimally, usually the breasts or prostate organs. This is a process known as enduration, (the body encapsulates the cancer so it won’t spread). These deposits can take the form of tumors. However, at the time of biopsy, if cells are not recognized, they’re labeled as “cancer” to be on the safe side. In the opinion of Arnold at Arnolds Way, restaurant & education center,  “most cancer diagnosis are incorrect” (he has books backing up this information and he can give you details). I am quoting him because I have heard this from many different sources and believe it to be true.

6. Healthy liver, healthy body. Do liver cleanses regularly.

The bottom line is that cancer is a final warning indicating our body is in dire need of re-pair. The way we have been living, eating, thinking, feeling - needs attention.

Again I’ll mention the book "Living on Live Food" Alissa Cohen, and another helpful resource “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon.

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