Tuesday, February 8, 2011

4 Steps to Avoid Cancer

I am creating a living lifestyle to avoid cancer (many have done this before me).  Had I known then, what I know now, I would not have gotten cancer in the 1st place!
Here's my simple 4 step cancer-free remedy: 

1. Gently bounce on a rebound-air 15 min daily http://www.reboundair.com/ to move the lymphatic system, and exercise everyday.
2. De-stress within stress.  Surrounded by stress, simply de-stress yourself in the midst of it - BREATHE and bring in joy, appreciate life, be compassionate, love & laugh often!
3. Eating lifestyle:  dead food = dead bodies, live food = LIVE bodies.
This includes choice vitamins, herbs, plant essences and organic foods.
4. Water system. I recommend purchasing Regency Elite from Blake Sawyer: 1-877-488-7423 bsawyer3@austin.rr.com.  This water has 12 vital properties.  By the way, distilled or reverse osmosis are the 2 most harmful waters, because they are "dead". Read Sawyers "The Homeostasis Protocol".

Have I told you anything you didn't already know?  I didn't think so!


  1. Hi Tani,
    I'm glad you're doing well.
    I knew you would.
    we're all well also.


  2. Live food = live bodies!!! Love it!
