Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Preparing for my Journey

Getting ready to leave, I've spent precious time with friends before departure.  It's as if I'm gathering all my strength around me, my loved ones blessing me and living through my experiences with me.  Generous contributions continue flowing in, to make this trip possible. Thank you to all! 
Want to see my Amazon healer?  Elisa Vargas Fernandez  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXez5rP7UTk  I added these flowers because they reflect colors the Shipibo tribe love to wear.
On this sacred journey, receptive to healing, it occurs to me that as I welcome a miracle, so can all my beloveds! We are all connected, my journey effects yours. As I travel to experience a new life, entrenching myself in ceremony, I ask you to be clear in your thoughts, and what YOU would like to have transpire; for yourself, and your loved ones.  As I receive, so can each of you.  We help one another!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Praying for a Miracle

In October 2011, Valerio, (Chief Freddy), an Incan Preist-Shaman, came to PA and offered 3 days of ceremony to help me heal.  We had over 15 people in support and attendance. It was beautiful and memorable for everyone involved.
Seated around a "Peyote campfire" in a cozy tee pee, we sang all night, as he pulled the cancer spirit right out of my body, amazing! We shared visions of wellness as we gathered in sweat lodge each morning at sunrise.
I was given many messages during this time, one of my favorites was "you are the queen bee of your own hive", meaning I now make my own choices, am the master of my self, and take full responsibility for my life.  My least favorite was "in March, Devastation will hit".  I received no further information at that time.

Strict in my alkaline diet, and with the help of Eagle medicine, my tumor began shrinking over the next few months.
What's Eagle medicine? More on that later.

I spoke with Dr Jonathan Treasure, cancer specialist in Oregon www.mederifoundation.org/ who recommended multiple herbs and vitamins to begin boosting my immune system. I felt great, but upon carrying a large suitcase everywhere with me and taking capsules, liquids or powders every 2 hours on an empty or full stomach, the daily process was too complicated to continue.

The words rang in my head "in March, devastation will hit".  I prayed to avoid this, but prior and subsequent relationships fell apart, my household was put into storage, I moved in with my parents, intense colitis landed me in the hospital for a week, my daughters boyfriend died, stress was high. Overwhelmed, the cancer went from receding, to stage four, growing with vengeance.

Summer 2012 I began ozone treatments under the care of Dr. Bill Akpinar in Queens NY.
My treatments included:
Acupuncture, hyperbarics chamber, vitamin C and B shots, Healers, amethyst crystal bed, positive/negative polarity bed, and more.
The nurses gave me the dose of TLC I'd been lacking for years, helping me restore my soul.
These boosted my immune system, I felt excellent in my body and the vitality of my health and cells went up to 97%, (SCIO test).  However, office visits were taking 11 - 13 hours a day with travel, and combined with various types of local therapy, I was spending 50 - 60 hrs weekly in treatment. With hurricane Sandy, travel was almost impossible and post-phoned for weeks.

By the time I returned to the Queens clinic, the cancer had spread again. One of the doctors said the cancer had spread so much, it was like trying to stop a train going 100 mph. He recommended that I get a major double masectomy including lymph glands, resume treatments to kill the rest of the cancer cells missed through surgery, then in a year complete the process with re-constructive surgery. Aside from the fact that it would have been strenuous to continue traveling 2-3 times weekly, this plan concerned me for many reasons including:
1) Surgery would open up my body for the cancer to spread like crazy, through the bloodstream.
2) After surgery, it's just matter of time till cancer spreads through my body again, and I'm right back where we started.
3) post-surgery, my body would be weak from recovering, and unable to use all my resources to fight the cancer.
4) Traveling back and forth to N.Y. would be even more difficult in a weakened state after surgery.
No win situation.

Another Reason I haven't considered surgery is our family history:
My 2 great aunts and 2 aunts died from breast cancer, great grand father (liver cancer), grand father (lymph cancer), and brother (brain cancer).
All but 1 used Western medicine and chemotherapy treatment.

Finally, I found Dr. Freedenfeld 1 hour away in Stockton NJ, who offers non-traditional treatments.
Jan 2013 he recommended Chest, abdomen and pelvis scans, which showed tumors in the center of my chest, reflecting tumors riddled in my liver and body from pelvis up. The type of inflammatory breast cancer I have is the most aggressive, rapidly spreading and fast growing. (Reminds me of my youngest brother Brian, who died from brain cancer within a year of extensive surgery, at the age of 33).

According to the doctors, the strand of cancer I have is not normally affected by chemotherapy or hormonal treatments.
Surgery is not an option, as not much would be left of my body!
Long story short, there's nothing modern medicine can offer to help me, nor mankind.

On the bright side, I've had one of the most beautiful years possible. 

 I began recording songs I've written and sang Blues for the first time!

I spent close time with my beautiful daughter Tashina, created colorful memories made with my mother and father, enjoyed a family cruise to the Bahamas where we danced, sang, ate and had the time of our life!  fabulous experiences!!

This adventure was followed by a D.A.R. cruise a few months later with Gerri Falk, president of our local chapter. To my surprise, this island cruise had a "singles" group of people from all over America. Being single, I joined in on a week of celebration, what fun! Strangely enough, no symptoms flared during these fabulous experiences!!

Sometimes the good can equal the bad, hopefully balancing out. I have many loved ones who've stood by my side and been available every minute, during this 3 year battle. I'm asked "from where do you draw your strength"?  It comes from the overwhelming amount of love in my heart for and from my beloveds (Mitakuye Oyasin, all are related), my own inner happiness, and inherent strength passed down in my family line.

We brought Chief Freddy out again, to guide us in an ayawaska ceremony January 2013.  He suggested I go to the Amazon jungle to work with a shaman (Sha-woman, Elisa) in the Shipibo Indian tribe. So off I go next week, by myself, for a month!

A little note of hope:  I spoke with Melissa Stratton  www.heavenlymessagesbymelissa.com in the Fall of 2012. She said "Tani, you have the Lazarus chart". What's that Melissa?  "Lazarus was raised from the dead. You're going to have a second chance at life!

I take with me, no expectations.  I go there to "die", and allow myself to be re-born.  My sense is that it will help re-structure my foundation.  From there I can re-build the blueprints of my life.  The responsibility of healing lies within ME, but it is the combined FORCE of everyone, that creates the space for it to take place.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

In a Nutshell

1. Get your lymphatic system moving! It removes toxins and garbage from your body. Gently bounce on a rebound-air 15 min daily http://www.reboundair.com/ to move the lymphatic system, and exercise everyday.

2. De-stress within stress. Surrounded by stress, simply de-stress yourself in the midst of it - BREATHE and bring in joy, appreciate life, be compassionate, love & laugh often!

3. Eating lifestyle: dead food = dead bodies, live food = LIVE bodies. I cannot stress the importance of this enough.

This includes choice vitamins, herbs, plant essences and organic foods. Consider your blood type, if you eat meat, make it good quality (hormone free, healthy diet, naturally raised etc.). Dairy, I prefer raw, un-homogenized and un-pasteurized.

4. Water system. I recommend purchasing Regency Elite from Blake Sawyer: 1-877-488-7423 bsawyer3@austin.rr.com. This water has 12 vital properties. By the way, distilled or reverse osmosis are the 2 most harmful waters, because they are "dead". Read Sawyers "The Homeostasis Protocol".

5. Dental work. Try to avoid metal fillings. They leak metals into your body for the rest of your life.

Our body breaks down heavy metals and protects itself by building fungus & yeast, a fermentation known as Candida. Candida, over-grown, can burrow inside the intestinal walls making holes in the intestines, creating "leaky gut syndrome" where foods can leak directly into the blood stream. Our body will also make deposits of excess toxins in areas least necessary for functioning optimally, usually the breasts or prostate organs. This is a process known as enduration, (the body encapsulates the cancer so it won’t spread). These deposits can take the form of tumors. However, at the time of biopsy, if cells are not recognized, they’re labeled as “cancer” to be on the safe side. In the opinion of Arnold at Arnolds Way, restaurant & education center, http://www.arnoldsway.com/  “most cancer diagnosis are incorrect” (he has books backing up this information and he can give you details). I am quoting him because I have heard this from many different sources and believe it to be true.

6. Healthy liver, healthy body. Do liver cleanses regularly.

The bottom line is that cancer is a final warning indicating our body is in dire need of re-pair. The way we have been living, eating, thinking, feeling - needs attention.

Again I’ll mention the book "Living on Live Food" Alissa Cohen, and another helpful resource “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

4 Steps to Avoid Cancer

I am creating a living lifestyle to avoid cancer (many have done this before me).  Had I known then, what I know now, I would not have gotten cancer in the 1st place!
Here's my simple 4 step cancer-free remedy: 

1. Gently bounce on a rebound-air 15 min daily http://www.reboundair.com/ to move the lymphatic system, and exercise everyday.
2. De-stress within stress.  Surrounded by stress, simply de-stress yourself in the midst of it - BREATHE and bring in joy, appreciate life, be compassionate, love & laugh often!
3. Eating lifestyle:  dead food = dead bodies, live food = LIVE bodies.
This includes choice vitamins, herbs, plant essences and organic foods.
4. Water system. I recommend purchasing Regency Elite from Blake Sawyer: 1-877-488-7423 bsawyer3@austin.rr.com.  This water has 12 vital properties.  By the way, distilled or reverse osmosis are the 2 most harmful waters, because they are "dead". Read Sawyers "The Homeostasis Protocol".

Have I told you anything you didn't already know?  I didn't think so!

Livin' Healthy!

A friend of mine said "Tani, if you'd had a healthy liver, you never would have gotten cancer in the 1st place".  This made me think.  Okay, the liver is the most important organ in the body.  I was told about 10 years ago by an intuitive reader that I had an unhealthy liver, but having a pretty healthy diet, I thought it would get better in time. It wasn't quite enough.  Now it's time to re-condition my body!  With the help of my friend and Raw Food Chef, Patti McDermott, I began switching over to "living foods" 4 weeks ago. Although it's only recently, I've noticed greater energy, mental clarity, improved memory & cheerful upbeat attitude. My friends tell me I look vibrant and better than ever!  This is a true testimony to creating excellent health.  Alissa Cohen "Living on Live Food", is the un-cook book I recommend starting with.  I have several that make these foods tasty and interesting. 
I always start my morning off with a green drink: dark greens like dandelion, collard, kale, cilantro, then add a couple pieces of fruit to sweeten - blend in my Vita-mix & wala!  Bon Appetite!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Years resolution!

To be increasingly JOYFUL.
Peace and serenity, mentally.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The week of Thanksgiving, my dear friends held a concert benefit for me, to help support me in creating impeccable health.  Jackie Tice performed her original compositions http://www.jackietice.com/ , Conrad Kubiak played drums & percussion, http://www.spiritinthewood.com/conrad.html and I sang songs I had written as well (accompanied on keyboard by Karen Toole).

Thank you to everyone who helped in this celebration, including Sherry Brodhead, Jackie , Conrad , Jim Sivel & friend Mark the sound man, Marje Bilger, and all the people at the Springtown Fire Co. who helped make this happen.

How do I feel?  Empowered to create the impeccable health I desire.  What this did for me:  enabled me to invest in non-traditional medical options not covered by insurance, and get raw food cook books (or should I say un-cook book!) to help eating alkaline foods stay interesting.  My first step; Christmas week I took an alternative exam to a mammogram called thermography (CRT computerized regulation thermography, recommended my my friend Dr. Denise Kelly).  Using highly sensitive equipment it measures the body temperature in detail, and is completely harmless. Cancer cells grow rapidly, creating heat.  This exam is able to detect a cancerous lump up to 10 years prior to its' existence.  This is good news, considering mammograms are radiation (cancer causing), and can detect cancer only AFTER it's commited to the body. My next appointment will be to go over the results of the test. My exam was at True Wellness (267) 308-0777  one of many local centers  http://www.truewellnesspa.com/ and there are many more.  Here's a thermography site http://www.breastthermography.org/ .
In deep gratitude, Tani

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Good Report!

On October 16th Dr. DiMartino checked my pulse and told me that my kidneys are healthy, vibrant and strong.  He said that when he checked it last winter, they were very weak.  According to Chinese medicine, the kidneys are the foundation to our health and immune system.  He said "what ever you've been doing, keep doing it!".  Ah, truly a clean bill of health!

So, what have I been doing?

1)  Eating organic foods, 70% alkaline (no dis-ease or illness can grow in an alkaline based body!), using my Vitamix daily. http://www.vitamix.com/  Free Shipping $25 value, use code 06-004435. 1-800-848-2649 ext 2316 Janet.

2)  Drinking water (1/2 my body weight in ounces) using the system I purchased through Blake  Sawyer (512) 263-2420

3)  Jumping daily on my "reboundAIR" to move the lymphatic system http://www.reboundair.com/ 15 minutes on the reboundair = 5 hours playing tennis, for lymph movement.  This is important because the lymp fluid removes toxins and pollutants from our bodies, and delivers oxygen to the cells.

4)  Taking specific supplements:  Triad's Chlorella (a powerful food); Royal Velvet (rebuilds organs); Zeolife (liquid probiotic & more - call Blake for these), Young Living Core Essentials (absorbable daily supplements), Y.L.'s Ning Xia Red (boosts the immune system and supports vision - my eye doctor was highly impressed with my improved vision), (I recommend all products from http://www.youngliving.com/  use code #1066040. Check out http://www.secretsofmothernature.com/tani to find out more), Standard Process ginko (memory retention) and cats claw (UN-masks cancer cells so the immune system recognizes them - call Dr. Linda Tyrie (610 775-7795), Hulda Clark's iodine- recommended by Jerry Brunetti.

5) When I eat dairy, it's raw because it has many enzymes we need.  (Homogenized & pasteurized dairy as well as chlorine scar the interior lining of the arteries.  Cholesterol is then released to seal up the scarring.  When this process is repeated too often, a build up occurs creating blockages in the arteries.  Otherwise, colesteral runs through the body like our blood or water).

This is my daily practice to achieve optimal health, and diminish the future occurrence of cancer.  By the way, I find it challenging to eat 70% alkaline in a restaurant, easy at home.  I do my best when I'm out, and make up for it when I'm home.

I am happy to help you achieve excellent health in any way that I can. If you are dedicated to improving and taking responsility for your being, you are welcome to call me (610) 346-6336.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Spirit of Cancer

A dear friend of mine, who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, asked me to speak about the "spirit" of cancer.  I'd like to speak about it because if you can recognize it, you may possibly be able to dispel it.
The Spirit of Cancer felt like a foreign presence in me.  Although minescule, it felt dark, disabling, and I felt as though I was not completely myself, in balance with myself or with life. It felt as though an energy within was working against me.  Similar to the feeling carried after having had an unresolved argument with someone, but more subtle.

 Although one may have cancer for years prior to discovering it, I did NOT feel it's presence until September 2009.  Once I learned to detect it's spirit, I was able to reflect back and recognize when it came into me.  I was in a head crunch at the time, splitting in two.  Going in opposite directions with my businesses, and personal relationship.  I was trying to compensate by being someone other than who I was, which brought me more agony.

When I think of what love is; patient (creating a space for one to just BE), very kind, allowing, soft, receptive and gentle, I realize I was living in the absence of it.  Not only by the pressure I was experiencing in my personal relationship, but my response of putting more pressure on myself.  

In "Conversations with God", Neale Walsch compared love to the color white saying something like this: White is not the absence of color, as many believe, but the combination/balance of all colors. Love is not the absence of feelings, such as anger, fearing hatred, but the combination of all feelings. How else can we understand compassion, if we have never experienced these feelings?

Through out my healing process, I learned to give myself time, nurture myself, pay attention to my needs and take extra time to feel and heal old as well as new feelings...feelings that is, that I thought I had already worked with!

Had I been able to keep the spirit of cancer outside my body, I believe I would not have needed the surgery. It would have remained contained.  Each time I went to the cancer center at the hospital or was around dear loved ones full of fear for me, the spirit returned.  Each time I went to a healing ceremony or did deep inner work on myself, it fled.

This was MY experience.  If you have an illness, apply what feels right for you. 

I send you all the love, support and healing from God/Godda that I can.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Symbiotic Relationships

I recommend keeping up your outside interests when dealing with something overwhelming.  Getting into a new band "Ramblin' On" one week after discovering I had cancer, kept my spirits up, energy flowing, and helped me to remember that I have a whole wonderful life I'm living, and ahead of me. By the way, last friday I sang as a guest with the Midnight Special Band at the Dublin Carnival. It was so much fun!http://www.midnightspecialband.net/  - Guest appearance.  
      My greatest joy is helping and making others happy, simply by being me!  Have you heard of a symbiotic relationship?  It's my favorite. By just being yourself, others benefit from knowing you, and you from them.  For example, a tree growing beside a stream with roots in the water, give fish a safe place to lay eggs & make a home.  The fish, in turn, fertilize the tree by living there, enabling it to grow strong with proper nutrients.  One of my passions is singing.  I sing with joy and people (hopefully), listen with joy!  I also love being a spiritual coach; when I counsel I am not only helping them, but being inspired myself.  What a beautiful symbiotic relationship.  What type symbiotic relationships do you have?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Time to Talk

I gave a talk in Frenchtown N.J. last week.  This is my outline...

1) Living a healthy lifestyle with a cancer diagnosis

F un, feel good about yourself, have fun watching funny movies, reading delightful books, socializing and laughing with friends. What can you add to this list?

U nderstanding, have patience with yourself. Pay attention to your feelings, acknowledge & honor them.

N urture yourself. Take time to take care of yourself. Prioritize you, just once a day!

2) Preventing the re-occurrence of cancer

D iet, Alkaline based. 80/20 (80 alkaline, 20 acidic). Digestion! Blake Sawyer Homeostasis  Protocol, 1-512-263-2420 or toll free: 1-877-488-7423, www.thehealthyprotocol.com, bsawyer3@austin.rr.com in Lakeway TX.
Jerry Brunetti 1-800-355-5313 www.acresusa.com (farming site, but he came through cancer, no surgery as far as I know). He's in N.J.
Tani recommends: http://www.youngliving.com/  #1066040  http://www.secretsofmothernature.com/tani 

I deal thinking “de-stress within stress”. Breathe, breathe, breathe.

E xercise, lite – yoga, Qui Gong, Tai chi, light aerobics, comfortably work up to your old exercise program, if it was intense.

T reat yourself – supportive people, groups & relationships.

3) Can we avoid cancer in the 1st place?

L ook at patterns, what is hurting or taking away from.

O utlook. If we can’t change our circumstances or environment, change our point of view. Simplify your lifestyle & home, spiritual honor. “What you possess, you are possessed by” Peruvian saying.

V alidate your feelings, acknowledge, do I want to do something about it? Anger…purpose to enable you to stand up for yourself. Cancer = what is eating away at you?

E xpansion, allow growth, try new things.

1 + 2 + 3 can = cancer free!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I've been reflecting over my experience with the Spirit of cancer, and my relationship to it.   I discovered that I can draw the spirit of cancer into my body several different ways; stress is the easiest way, poor diet, supressed feelings etc., but today I am speaking specifically spiritually and emotionally.  There were times when I felt the presence of the spirit of cancer within me, and other times I could feel it was clearly not in my body (that felt good!).  After each ceremony, I did NOT have the spirit of cancer in my body. I held this state of being for weeks with excellent self care and nurturing until - I was in the cancer care department of the hospitals, or around loved ones with a tremendous fear of cancer.  Let me explain...

In the Ancient Egyptian teachings we talk about our energy centers (chakras) being connected to other peoples chakras with whom we have relationships.  These are known as a, or life cords. The persons with whom we have the largest connections, deepest and most intense relationships are those with whom we share the largest energy cords. Naturally, the larger the cord, the greater the impact on eachothers lives.   My mother, to whom I am most connected, after loosing her father, sister, son and numerous relatives to cancer, carried the fatality of cancer within her.  No matter how strong I stood in my belief and understanding that I could heal myself and was cancer free, when I was with close family members, my chakra cords were open to receive, guard let down, and their fears became mine. For me to not receive these fears, I would have to have had conscious awareness that I was taking them in, and how to transmute them. As a magnetic person (I can explain this later, magnetic vs electric) I took in emotions around me.  So, the spirit of cancer vacilated in and out of me.  Present some days, others not. 
Conclusion:  I did what I felt I needed to do as a responsible adult, compassionate person and knowledge level at the time.  As we say in the teachings of the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries "Everyone makes the best decision they can at the time, given their knowledge, background and experiences".  Had I not made the choices I did, I would have been fighting an uphill battle with loved ones.  Now that surgery is over, my family is relieved, and I am making choices that are right for me, with the full support of my family (but not the medical practitioners).  I have lymphodema, and according to my lymphodema physical therapist, this is a lifelong condition, manageable with my attention. All is well, my spirits are UP, I'm healthy as an ox, and truly happy. Love to all!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm doing well, bouncing back!  I seem to be over the "blues" of feeling bad, which lasted on and off for about 2 weeks.  Next week is my birthday.  Although it's a dark photo taken at my last show...not bad for turning 50 eh??! 

Today I will have my 1st day of physical therapy (I can't stretch my right arm out, very uncomfortable).  I've been receiving intravenous drips of vitamin C at the Woodlands, weekly.  I don't notice a difference yet, but Dr. D said I will.  The nurse, Kathy, said that the healthier I am, the longer it will take to notice a significant improvement. 
I'm very happy because my dear friend, Lotus Payer (mother of my daughters boyfriend, Josh), told me about "The Homeostasis Protocol" written by Blake Sawyer. I beginning to follow his protocol, and I highly recommend his work.  www.thehealthyprotocol.com