Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The week of Thanksgiving, my dear friends held a concert benefit for me, to help support me in creating impeccable health.  Jackie Tice performed her original compositions http://www.jackietice.com/ , Conrad Kubiak played drums & percussion, http://www.spiritinthewood.com/conrad.html and I sang songs I had written as well (accompanied on keyboard by Karen Toole).

Thank you to everyone who helped in this celebration, including Sherry Brodhead, Jackie , Conrad , Jim Sivel & friend Mark the sound man, Marje Bilger, and all the people at the Springtown Fire Co. who helped make this happen.

How do I feel?  Empowered to create the impeccable health I desire.  What this did for me:  enabled me to invest in non-traditional medical options not covered by insurance, and get raw food cook books (or should I say un-cook book!) to help eating alkaline foods stay interesting.  My first step; Christmas week I took an alternative exam to a mammogram called thermography (CRT computerized regulation thermography, recommended my my friend Dr. Denise Kelly).  Using highly sensitive equipment it measures the body temperature in detail, and is completely harmless. Cancer cells grow rapidly, creating heat.  This exam is able to detect a cancerous lump up to 10 years prior to its' existence.  This is good news, considering mammograms are radiation (cancer causing), and can detect cancer only AFTER it's commited to the body. My next appointment will be to go over the results of the test. My exam was at True Wellness (267) 308-0777  one of many local centers  http://www.truewellnesspa.com/ and there are many more.  Here's a thermography site http://www.breastthermography.org/ .
In deep gratitude, Tani

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Good Report!

On October 16th Dr. DiMartino checked my pulse and told me that my kidneys are healthy, vibrant and strong.  He said that when he checked it last winter, they were very weak.  According to Chinese medicine, the kidneys are the foundation to our health and immune system.  He said "what ever you've been doing, keep doing it!".  Ah, truly a clean bill of health!

So, what have I been doing?

1)  Eating organic foods, 70% alkaline (no dis-ease or illness can grow in an alkaline based body!), using my Vitamix daily. http://www.vitamix.com/  Free Shipping $25 value, use code 06-004435. 1-800-848-2649 ext 2316 Janet.

2)  Drinking water (1/2 my body weight in ounces) using the system I purchased through Blake  Sawyer (512) 263-2420

3)  Jumping daily on my "reboundAIR" to move the lymphatic system http://www.reboundair.com/ 15 minutes on the reboundair = 5 hours playing tennis, for lymph movement.  This is important because the lymp fluid removes toxins and pollutants from our bodies, and delivers oxygen to the cells.

4)  Taking specific supplements:  Triad's Chlorella (a powerful food); Royal Velvet (rebuilds organs); Zeolife (liquid probiotic & more - call Blake for these), Young Living Core Essentials (absorbable daily supplements), Y.L.'s Ning Xia Red (boosts the immune system and supports vision - my eye doctor was highly impressed with my improved vision), (I recommend all products from http://www.youngliving.com/  use code #1066040. Check out http://www.secretsofmothernature.com/tani to find out more), Standard Process ginko (memory retention) and cats claw (UN-masks cancer cells so the immune system recognizes them - call Dr. Linda Tyrie (610 775-7795), Hulda Clark's iodine- recommended by Jerry Brunetti.

5) When I eat dairy, it's raw because it has many enzymes we need.  (Homogenized & pasteurized dairy as well as chlorine scar the interior lining of the arteries.  Cholesterol is then released to seal up the scarring.  When this process is repeated too often, a build up occurs creating blockages in the arteries.  Otherwise, colesteral runs through the body like our blood or water).

This is my daily practice to achieve optimal health, and diminish the future occurrence of cancer.  By the way, I find it challenging to eat 70% alkaline in a restaurant, easy at home.  I do my best when I'm out, and make up for it when I'm home.

I am happy to help you achieve excellent health in any way that I can. If you are dedicated to improving and taking responsility for your being, you are welcome to call me (610) 346-6336.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Spirit of Cancer

A dear friend of mine, who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, asked me to speak about the "spirit" of cancer.  I'd like to speak about it because if you can recognize it, you may possibly be able to dispel it.
The Spirit of Cancer felt like a foreign presence in me.  Although minescule, it felt dark, disabling, and I felt as though I was not completely myself, in balance with myself or with life. It felt as though an energy within was working against me.  Similar to the feeling carried after having had an unresolved argument with someone, but more subtle.

 Although one may have cancer for years prior to discovering it, I did NOT feel it's presence until September 2009.  Once I learned to detect it's spirit, I was able to reflect back and recognize when it came into me.  I was in a head crunch at the time, splitting in two.  Going in opposite directions with my businesses, and personal relationship.  I was trying to compensate by being someone other than who I was, which brought me more agony.

When I think of what love is; patient (creating a space for one to just BE), very kind, allowing, soft, receptive and gentle, I realize I was living in the absence of it.  Not only by the pressure I was experiencing in my personal relationship, but my response of putting more pressure on myself.  

In "Conversations with God", Neale Walsch compared love to the color white saying something like this: White is not the absence of color, as many believe, but the combination/balance of all colors. Love is not the absence of feelings, such as anger, fearing hatred, but the combination of all feelings. How else can we understand compassion, if we have never experienced these feelings?

Through out my healing process, I learned to give myself time, nurture myself, pay attention to my needs and take extra time to feel and heal old as well as new feelings...feelings that is, that I thought I had already worked with!

Had I been able to keep the spirit of cancer outside my body, I believe I would not have needed the surgery. It would have remained contained.  Each time I went to the cancer center at the hospital or was around dear loved ones full of fear for me, the spirit returned.  Each time I went to a healing ceremony or did deep inner work on myself, it fled.

This was MY experience.  If you have an illness, apply what feels right for you. 

I send you all the love, support and healing from God/Godda that I can.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Symbiotic Relationships

I recommend keeping up your outside interests when dealing with something overwhelming.  Getting into a new band "Ramblin' On" one week after discovering I had cancer, kept my spirits up, energy flowing, and helped me to remember that I have a whole wonderful life I'm living, and ahead of me. By the way, last friday I sang as a guest with the Midnight Special Band at the Dublin Carnival. It was so much fun!http://www.midnightspecialband.net/  - Guest appearance.  
      My greatest joy is helping and making others happy, simply by being me!  Have you heard of a symbiotic relationship?  It's my favorite. By just being yourself, others benefit from knowing you, and you from them.  For example, a tree growing beside a stream with roots in the water, give fish a safe place to lay eggs & make a home.  The fish, in turn, fertilize the tree by living there, enabling it to grow strong with proper nutrients.  One of my passions is singing.  I sing with joy and people (hopefully), listen with joy!  I also love being a spiritual coach; when I counsel I am not only helping them, but being inspired myself.  What a beautiful symbiotic relationship.  What type symbiotic relationships do you have?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Time to Talk

I gave a talk in Frenchtown N.J. last week.  This is my outline...

1) Living a healthy lifestyle with a cancer diagnosis

F un, feel good about yourself, have fun watching funny movies, reading delightful books, socializing and laughing with friends. What can you add to this list?

U nderstanding, have patience with yourself. Pay attention to your feelings, acknowledge & honor them.

N urture yourself. Take time to take care of yourself. Prioritize you, just once a day!

2) Preventing the re-occurrence of cancer

D iet, Alkaline based. 80/20 (80 alkaline, 20 acidic). Digestion! Blake Sawyer Homeostasis  Protocol, 1-512-263-2420 or toll free: 1-877-488-7423, www.thehealthyprotocol.com, bsawyer3@austin.rr.com in Lakeway TX.
Jerry Brunetti 1-800-355-5313 www.acresusa.com (farming site, but he came through cancer, no surgery as far as I know). He's in N.J.
Tani recommends: http://www.youngliving.com/  #1066040  http://www.secretsofmothernature.com/tani 

I deal thinking “de-stress within stress”. Breathe, breathe, breathe.

E xercise, lite – yoga, Qui Gong, Tai chi, light aerobics, comfortably work up to your old exercise program, if it was intense.

T reat yourself – supportive people, groups & relationships.

3) Can we avoid cancer in the 1st place?

L ook at patterns, what is hurting or taking away from.

O utlook. If we can’t change our circumstances or environment, change our point of view. Simplify your lifestyle & home, spiritual honor. “What you possess, you are possessed by” Peruvian saying.

V alidate your feelings, acknowledge, do I want to do something about it? Anger…purpose to enable you to stand up for yourself. Cancer = what is eating away at you?

E xpansion, allow growth, try new things.

1 + 2 + 3 can = cancer free!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I've been reflecting over my experience with the Spirit of cancer, and my relationship to it.   I discovered that I can draw the spirit of cancer into my body several different ways; stress is the easiest way, poor diet, supressed feelings etc., but today I am speaking specifically spiritually and emotionally.  There were times when I felt the presence of the spirit of cancer within me, and other times I could feel it was clearly not in my body (that felt good!).  After each ceremony, I did NOT have the spirit of cancer in my body. I held this state of being for weeks with excellent self care and nurturing until - I was in the cancer care department of the hospitals, or around loved ones with a tremendous fear of cancer.  Let me explain...

In the Ancient Egyptian teachings we talk about our energy centers (chakras) being connected to other peoples chakras with whom we have relationships.  These are known as a, or life cords. The persons with whom we have the largest connections, deepest and most intense relationships are those with whom we share the largest energy cords. Naturally, the larger the cord, the greater the impact on eachothers lives.   My mother, to whom I am most connected, after loosing her father, sister, son and numerous relatives to cancer, carried the fatality of cancer within her.  No matter how strong I stood in my belief and understanding that I could heal myself and was cancer free, when I was with close family members, my chakra cords were open to receive, guard let down, and their fears became mine. For me to not receive these fears, I would have to have had conscious awareness that I was taking them in, and how to transmute them. As a magnetic person (I can explain this later, magnetic vs electric) I took in emotions around me.  So, the spirit of cancer vacilated in and out of me.  Present some days, others not. 
Conclusion:  I did what I felt I needed to do as a responsible adult, compassionate person and knowledge level at the time.  As we say in the teachings of the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries "Everyone makes the best decision they can at the time, given their knowledge, background and experiences".  Had I not made the choices I did, I would have been fighting an uphill battle with loved ones.  Now that surgery is over, my family is relieved, and I am making choices that are right for me, with the full support of my family (but not the medical practitioners).  I have lymphodema, and according to my lymphodema physical therapist, this is a lifelong condition, manageable with my attention. All is well, my spirits are UP, I'm healthy as an ox, and truly happy. Love to all!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm doing well, bouncing back!  I seem to be over the "blues" of feeling bad, which lasted on and off for about 2 weeks.  Next week is my birthday.  Although it's a dark photo taken at my last show...not bad for turning 50 eh??! 

Today I will have my 1st day of physical therapy (I can't stretch my right arm out, very uncomfortable).  I've been receiving intravenous drips of vitamin C at the Woodlands, weekly.  I don't notice a difference yet, but Dr. D said I will.  The nurse, Kathy, said that the healthier I am, the longer it will take to notice a significant improvement. 
I'm very happy because my dear friend, Lotus Payer (mother of my daughters boyfriend, Josh), told me about "The Homeostasis Protocol" written by Blake Sawyer. I beginning to follow his protocol, and I highly recommend his work.  www.thehealthyprotocol.com

Friday, June 11, 2010


Even though it's tough for me physically and emotionally (oddly enough, my experience reminds me of what post-partum depression would feel like), I keep moving on.  As Mom always said, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going"!!  I try to exercise a little every day, take all my nutrients, eat well and do something on my Health Improvement list which I posted earlier.
Tashina was beautiful on ice in her figure skating show, went to 2 proms, and has finished school for the year. Her Father Tony and Step-mother Mel flew out from Spokane W.A. to celebrate her show with us, we all had a wonderful time.   

I've joined a country western band "Ramblin' On" and we have our 1st debut tomorrow night.  My stage name is Tani Star.
I'm working on a website, writing a book, seeing clients, studying greater health and continuing with normal life activities.  My intention is to remember to slow down and take time for ME.

After close study of my pathology report and the consultation of 2 doctors, they agreed that the cancer was contained and remained within the lump. 2 other doctors, however, think it was beginning to grow outside the lump.  Either way, this is great news, considering there was an intentional 3 month waiting period between the bi-opsy and surgery on my part. A bi-opsy punctures a hole through the body into the lump, so that if cancer is present, it can run rampant. The 1st place it goes is into the lymph glands. Considering this, it's a miracle, combined with a lot of effort to change the odds. My intention was to prove that we can heal our body from cancer, and I feel comfortable knowing I've done so.
Although I am presently 100% cancer free as far as they can tell, cancer cells do live in our bodies.  Follow-up care choices are:
1) Chemotherapy and radiation, which destroys the immune system, but within 7 years, the body is completely restored.
2) Build up my immune system to fight cancer cells with vitamin C injections, healthy foods, many supplements, and take cats claw (in pill form) to un-mask cancer cells within my body.
Which would you choose?


Recovery has been more difficult than I expected, thus the delay in up-dating my post.  My right breast is swollen, leaking fluid and although I try to use my right arm, it is stiff.  I went in for a follow-up visit and Holly, my nurse, told that everything I am experiencing is normal.  She said it will take me 6-8 months to feel normal - this I did NOT expect!!  Apparently, they don't tell you important information like this pre-surgery.  My arm hurts when I try to stretch it, so I am going to start physical therapy.

As my study continues, I've learned that some of the things making my body a perfect environment for growing cancer were:
1)   low iodine, missing peptides, weak liver, acidic body...all of which I had! 
2)  Thinking and emotions out of balance, such as worrying or being in a para-sympathetic state (always "on").
3)  Above and beyond all, STRESS.  This and other emotions can change an alkaline based diet, into acidic within the body. Which, by the way, no disease can survive in an alkaline based body.
Life today is FULL of stress.  As Helene says, "even the life of a bag lady is stressful" I think that's funny, and true!  So I've learned that the key is to de-stress, with IN stress.  Within the midst of stress, I calm myself, take a few big breaths, slow my thinking down, and take a moment to enjoy something alive like a tree outside my window, an indoor flower, my pet or anything that makes me smile.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Picture by my cousin Jojo  http://jojosjoie.blogspot.com/

Summer's on it's way, my favorite time of year! 
Good news, I'm now 100% cancer free!  However, my surgeon strongly recommends, chemotherapy followed by radiation. Does this make sense? I have a clean bill of health, why do they want to destroy my immune system with chemo? A strong immune system is mandatory to fight cancer and it's re-occurrence. The allopathic idea behind chemotherapy is the following:  It kills various cells throughout the entire body. Cancer cells are the fastest growing, but also the weakest.  The theory is that the healthy cells will be able to endure treatment, re-build themselves and fight the cancer cells. "There has been no progress in curing cancer in conventional medicine for 50 years" says cancer survivor Suzanne Somers, in her new book Knockout. According to my conventional Dr., 30 - 40% of women who had surgery but did not follow up with chemo, were diagnosed with cancer again within 5 years. My questions are what were their eating lifestyle, stress level, living cancer free education, attitude and exercise habits?
It's taken me 50 years to build up my health to a level of excellence (those of you who know me, know that I have a high energy profile), why would I want to break it down intentionally?

I'm willing to take responsibility for my body, keep it vibrant and a hostile environment for cancer. I am working with the Woodlands clinic http://www.woodmed.com/  to take natural chemo agents, continue building my immune system and take nutrients allowing my body to recognize cancer, such as cats claw recommended by chiropractor Dr. Linda Tyrie in Allentown.

There are particular environments within the body, spirit and emotions in which cancer flourishes, and other environments to which it is not attracted.  For every ones benefit, I'll be posting these.
I'm recuperating, very sore in my entire breast and 1/3 of the way down my arm. It's taking me longer than I thought to recover from surgery!

Friday, May 14, 2010


The best way to heal, my friend Adrienne said, is not from doctors, the foods you eat or amount of exercise, but from the warmth and love that comes from beloveds being there and doing "it" with you! "It's not the casserole, it's the company" says Dana Guerra.  People say I look better than expected, and I attribute it to my full schedule morning till night with dear friends helping about the house, massaging my stiff back and shoulders, bringing food and dining with me.  I am sore and swollen but my spirits are held high by laughter, care, sweet conversation and a bright outlook everyday. 
My achy body led me to a quick visit with doctor today, who told me "stay inside that surgical bra 24-7, and keep moving that arm" -ouch!   Still uncomfortable, I went for a short walk and did a little Pilate's yoga.  Felt good. 
Immediately after surgery, Dr. Desai told my family that I would require chemotherapy and radiation, starting with chemotherapy first.  Six days later his nurse, Holly, happily told me that further lab results showed absolutely no cancer in the lymph glands (which is the first place cancer begins to metastasize ), or any where surrounding the lump!
Tomorrow I Have an appointment with Dr. Di Martino at the Woodlands clinic.  My pathological report has been forwarded to him, so I'm interested in the protocol he will recommend.  Some of you have begun to pool money together for me, as herbal support is very costly. Thank you immensely!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Surgery results


I was in extremely good hands for an excellent surgery and came through with flying colors! I was pleasantly surprised at not only how competent everyone was, but how kind and caring they were as well.  Dr. Desai had previously marked my body where he was going to make the incision. In consideration of the outfits I wear on stage when singing, he drew the line to the outside of, but close to the lump, balancing surgery efficiency. My experience: 

  • The pre-surgery assistants were kind and helpful.  They made everything pleasant.

  • My mother Shirley and daughter Tashina were with me until a few minutes before surgery.  Tashina left to get ready for her Prom!  Mom met my brother Dar and father Samir for lunch at a nice restaurant.  It put my heart at ease to know everyone was doing something nice.

  • I had a few minutes to myself and took the time to look around the room with my intuitive eye.  I saw the spirit of everyone who had said "I can't be there with you physically, but I'll be there with you in spirit", my spirit helpers, guardian angels (actually, the room was packed!) and to my surprise, the strongest presence was archangel Gabriel.  When I got home I looked Gabriel up, and the message was "It's time for you to assume your leadership power and position, and lovingly guide others".  This was interesting as I found several of the assistants open to alternative medicine!

  • Meanwhile, anesthesiologist Dr. Hayward was more caring than I expected (I expected competence, which everyone had).  He put me at ease and I went into surgery happy as could be...with a little help!  Once in the surgery room, I was soon unconscious and the next thing I experienced was waking up from a heavenly dream saying "Oh, I forgot I was in surgery today". In this altered state, I saw people as energy fields for a few minutes. I noticed in particular, the anesthesiologist and a nurse, were emanating a tremendous amount of caring energy. It made me happy to know that I had been in genuinely caring hands. (In my heavenly dream, my girlfriend Adrienne and I were doing our usual thing...philosophizing and theorizing.  As thoughts are things, these ideas were manifesting as we were speaking). Adrienne and I are childhood friends from infancy, our fathers did research together at Lehigh University, and our mothers taught together in the Palisades school district.

  • Returning from the recovery room, Lars, Dar, Mom & Dad met me in the hallway before I even got to my resting room, what a treat!  Kisses, laughter, a bit of food, we were all feeling better being together again (although Mom was concerned about how pale I looked).

  • The doctor pulled out 5 lymph glands because 3 were swollen and blocked, so he wanted to check them.  None had cancer - yea!

  • On home, rest, sleep...

  • The 1st day home I rested, watched "50th Anniversary of I Love Lucy" and laughed, sat outside to take in sunshine and nature, and noticed something unique.  The evening before surgery there were specific uniform shapes in the clouds like VVVV, as if to say everything is going as planned and is synchronized.  The evening after, I saw a double rainbow, something I've never seen before.  Wow, what a special message for me!!

  • Your prayers, healing and good intentions worked!!!  I got it ALL!!!
Today, Mothers Day, I got my wish. I was able to join my whole family (all 10) for Mothers Day brunch - happy Mama! Sat outside with my mother and daughter, then came home and watched more funny shows.
My friend Sherry made a schedule for people to fill out to come over and help me this week.  I'm so grateful to you Sherry, and every one who is helping out!!
More soon.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Ahh, finally finished my grant application!  Wow, what an effort.  Wanting to send it in so I can simply relax next week, we just spent 3 hours figuring out how to make a 4 minute clip of a 20 minute meditation I recorded last year, and will send it all in tomorrow morning!
I register at St. Lukes Hospital in Quakertown at 10 a.m. tomorrow,  have my 1st injection at 11, and surgery begins at 1.  Dr. Desai's surgeries typically last 2 - 2.5 hrs, my recovery 1 hour,  about an hour to stabilize, and home after that!!  With the assistance of my friend Cheyenne http://www.healthheartsoul.com/ I've asked my spirit to be very present during the procedure, and to make sure everything goes well :) I'm happy now.
Angels will be at my side, as will your thoughts and prayers, keep them coming.  A smooth operation tomorrow, great assistance, speedy recovery, then better than ever!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Your support has been incredible!! An amazing journey.
Here's my thinking: They'll remove the lump in 2 days, and get the results in 2 weeks.  If it has cancer cells, it's a good thing it's out!  If the cancer cells are dormant, it's medical proof that everything we did worked (I said WE, because it's been my effort, your prayers & healing, and Creators power - together).
What's amazing to me is I've learned to be peaceful and enjoy life in the present moment, no matter what's going on.  During the course of my cancer experience, just at a time when I'm to be laughing relaxing and doing LESS, I discovered that healing cancer is time consuming, my grant application opened up and is due right after surgery,  my bills became higher, I lost my child support, and was just informed my health insurance expires 3 days after surgery (it's so much that I'm laughing right now!). 

So I learned that "what" is going on doesn't matter, "how" it's going on does.  I feel loving every moment I can (this includes kidding around with insurance people on the phone, receptionists and tellers, etc), taking in the beauty of nature each time I'm driving to an appointment, and soaking in YOUR care and positive thoughts all the way down through my toes...it feels so incredibly good to be inside me right now!

Yesterday - What a Mothers Day Gift!

Friday, April 30, 2010


I spoke with my Dr. Helene Leonetti, about thermography http://www.tdinj.com/ as a possible reliable test. She said it is not recognized by traditional medicine YET, although very reliable and can detect cancer many years before a lump appears. She is adamantly opposed to mammograms, as they radiate the breast, causing cancer. Thermography is an alternative to mammograms. She said that I'm going to have to make the sacrifice and take the surgery, but as Paula Johnson says, "If they go in and find nothing--they have found nothing-- which is a proof of its own!" So we'll see! Surgery is scheduled for May 7th, but the lump diagnosis will take 2 weeks. Ah, se la vie!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


"In Western medicine when we hear the word cancer, we panic. With Eastern medicine, they simply treat it as another condition, and take care of it".   These were the words of wisdom spoken to me by my friend Orest Pelechaty http://www.acufinder.com/Acupuncturist/60961 .  He said digestion is essential to optimal health, and promptly put me on enzymes. Dar often suggests taking bitters 1/2 hour before meals.
Bill Brodhead mentioned that The Healing Centre in OR, believes the key to beating cancer is building up your immune system.  (check out his picture to the left, and the rest of his photos at http://www.wpb-radon.com/topPage_Billsphotos.html they're amazing).  My "Auntie Kay" (Kay Cordell Whitaker, author of The Reluctant Shaman and The Sacred Link http://www.worldbalance.com/index.htm) surprised me with the grand information about red meat being healthy, provided it's organic.  Grass fed is so important and rare these days! Kay says "stop eating all vegetable oils. These veggie oils are very carcinogenic!!!!"  Eat only animal fats and coconut and palm oils. Never cook with olive oil.
       While in the tee pee ceremony, I saw a face with big teeth come up and bite me right in the chest!  Kay, who was in New Mexico, in pipe ceremony for me at the same time, saw it also, and said it was the spirit of Sage biting the cancer right out of me.  How interesting!  She said spirits take on all sorts of interesting forms.  I know I have physically felt and seen them.  For me, they have felt exactly like human touch.  Kays teachings are a significant part of my spiritual foundation.  Although in New Mexico, she is near and dear to me in my heart, always.  Thank you Auntie Kay!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

So much has happened

My brother Dar did a Cherokee healing ceremony for me on 2/21/10.  This was one out of a series of four.  He pulled out the spirit of cancer, and we literally saw it behind the tee pee, fussing and fuming that it had been dislodged.  With 40 people present and praying, it had absolutely NO permission to return. Thank you Dar!
My research began.  Cancer comes as a result of genetics, environment, foods, emotions and spirit.  I had LOTS of work to do on myself. Using some of my own inner processes (healer - heal thyself!) As much as I could, I resolved and healed every significant relationship I could think of from child hood up.  This included my anguish over not being present for Tashina, in a way that would have felt right for me.  Now, it feels sooooo good!
According to Jerri Brunetti, 12 year cancer survivor http://www.agri-dynamics.com/, personality C types are more cancer prone, and he described it something like this:
1) Lack of close relationship in childhood with 1 or more parent(s).
2) Despair or unhappiness over family life.
3) Non expressive with anger.
This supported my research on the importance of inner work/healing. 
Jackie Tice http://www.jackietice.com/ and Dr. Nick Dimartino told me to honor the herbs I'm taking by thanking them for their gifts and healing my body.  Nice touch! 
I try to exercise a little every day, even if it is "just a little".  I try to eat organic as much as possible.  I try to consume raw dairy (very good for you) and stay away from processed dairy.  I found out that almost everyone having cancer has leaky gut syndrome.  4 oz. of raw cream per day fills in the leaks.  Young Livings' Ninxia Red taken daily, helps re-set the gut.  Vitamin D is more of a hormone than a vitamin, and helps alkalize the body.  I'm taking 6-8000 IU daily.  Interesting stuff!
Since healing cancer outside of allopathic medicine is in the minority, I haven't been able to land a conclusive medical/scientific test that will prove how much or little cancer is left in my body.

Test options:
1.  Blood test - non conclusive because as cancer cells die, they release into the blood stream, showing an increase in cancer cells.
2.  Pet scan - must be accompanied by a cat scan, and a 1.3 cm lump is considered to small to scan.  Reason is, by nature of certain organs such as the heart, bladder etc. they, along with the cancer, will light up during scan.  Additionally, the oncologist is emphatic about not seeing me again until after surgery.
3.  Biopsy - the surgeon said even if I get a 2nd or 3rd biopsy showing I don't have cancer, he won't believe it because they could easily miss the cancer cells.
4. MRI - I just found out about this, or I would have asked the narrow minded oncologist about it.  Apparently this is a more detailed view, but I don't know if it's actually an option for me.  I'm running out of time before scheduled surgery. 

According to kinesiology testing, dowsing and intuition, my cancer cells are non-active. The problem is, there are no conclusive NON-invasive medical/scientific tests that I know of available to prove my current condition. My surgeons' theory is "remove it, to prove it".  I have a great deal of family pressure to have a lumpectomy (scheduled for May 7th at St Lukes Hosp. in Quakertown with Dr. Darius Desai, a very good surgeon).  Even I myself, believe it is a good idea to have medical proof of my current status, to know how to best proceed.  Either way (cancer free or not) this will be a life long change.  In order to remain cancer free, I am permanently adapting my new lifestyle.  More on what that is later :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lifestyle Change

Healing cancer is time consuming! The following is a partial list of what I have been doing spiritually and emotionally (a little of something every day), and the people who have helped me. If no name is listed, I probably facilitated myself.

1. Clearing cancer for 7 generations of my family, past & future
2. Foot reflexology (Diane Alex http://www.cloudhands.net/ )
3. Body harmonizer - lazer surgery with color, light and sound vibration , Perspiration tent (Dan Tuck)
4. Cherokee healing ceremonies in Tee Pee (Dar Khabbaz)
5. Radionics & accurate Dowsing (Dan Tuck)
6. Brass rings (Scott Anderson) http://www.seedsforchangewellness.com/ www.lightlifetechnology.com/
7. Color therapy and psychic surgery
8. De-tox baths (salts & baking soda. Vinegar. Herbals)
9. Ancient Egyptian treatments and procedures (Gloria Leight & Tani)
10. Energy healing and clearing http://www.serendipitymeadows.com/
11. Past life soul regression SRT
12. Massage Diane Larkin http://www.hunamua.com/ (# offered with her permission: 610 395-4395)
13. Inner communication dialogue between the condition & myself
14. Reiki (Kay Sivel http://www.freewebs.com/kayninesolutions/ )
15. Diaphragmatic breath work (Bill Lampe blampe@ptd.net)
16. Crystal healings
17. Gemstone treatments (Peter Iobst)
18. Drumming, Rattle &Vibrational healing
19. Altantean paddle balancing & psychic readings (Rev. Delores Stevens)
20. Ripcurrent relief http://www.shiome.com/
21. Sound vibration healing
22. Meditations http://www.eaglelife.com/
23. Tibetan ball De-tox massage (greenwood.c@gmail.com)
24. Cherokee traditions (David Winston)
25. Lakota pipe ceremonies
26. Dowsing and Kinesiology
27. Meridian balancing/Aura cleansing
28. Tani’s process (popcorn therapy) with Adrienne Rayna assisting
29. Exercise including; qui gong, pilates, tai chi, lymphatic brushing
30. FUN and laughter with family and friends
31. Most importantly, prayers from YOU!!!!

Keeping cancer dormant or inactive, is a positive change in my lifestyle, forever. Laughter, experiencing life happily, turning negatives into positives and looking on the bright side, are all essential for me. I soak in all warmth from loved ones, and take extra time to notice and receive in beauty surrounding me. I love and enjoy you ALL!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Research & Physical Practice

Dr. Dimartino (Woodlands Research Center http://www.woodmed.com/ ) presented my case to Dr. Kracht, Burns & Schmidt. They all recommend a lumpectomy in addition to herbal/vitamin/mineral natural support. Knowing my preference is to avoid invasive surgery if possible, they gave me wonderful alternatives including high doses of intravenous vitamin C (a pro oxidant) to break down and kill cancer cells, and peptide injections (full of amino acid) to build the immune system (expensive treatment).

My list of Physical holistic Daily care to date includes:

Herbalist Alchemist tinctures recommended by Dar Khabbaz
7 precious mushrooms – Blend of: Reishi fungus’s, chaga, shitake, and maitake fungus, cordyceps mycelium.
Alterative compound – Blend of: Red clover flower, burdock root, buckthorn bark, licorice, Oregon grape, stilingia, and poke root, prickly ash bark, quassai wood, and potassium iodide.

Dr. Hulda Clark:
• L-Cystein, L-Argenine, L-Orthenine
• Parasite killer machine (kills parasites, fungus, mold, harmful bacteria, yeast)
• Ozonated water – kills free radicals, oxygenates blood.
• Parasite cleanse

Young Living OILS:
Frankincense, Orange oil - kills cancer, Juva Cleanse – supports liver
NingXia Red - 1 oz daily

Young Living Supplements:
JuvaPower – intestinal cleanser
Alka lime – alkaline balancer (like baking soda)
Juva tone – promotes healthy liver function
Core Essentials
Mineral Essence

Orest Pelechaty, C.A., Dipl CH
Tibetan Jewel Pills
Digestive enzymes (excellent for optimal health)
Homeopathic De-tox

Foods:  As much as I possibly can: alkaline, raw, organic.

Exercise: various types about 20 min per day. Trampoline for lymphatic stimulation.

Vitamins & Minerals: 8000 IU Vitamin D daily, Chlorella, Kelp, 1 oz. Aloe Vera juice, Green Tea

Even with all this, I find I’m still missing certain things that are imperative for killing cancer. I learn as I go along.

Dr. Linda Tyrie, excellent chiropractor and dear friend, has been helpful to me in discovering things that will help. I’m low in iodine. Iodine creates a hostile environment for cancer. Cats claw unmasks the cancer cells (which like to hide) so that the immune system can recognize and attack them. She offers Standard Process which has a supplement, mammary p.m.g, that gives the body a blueprint of what healthy breasts and tissue look like.

My Intention

I am deeply moved and feel warmly embraced in a beautiful loving blanket of your warm responses! Thank you all for keeping your comments positive, it helps tremendously!
My intention is to heal myself holistically, but include what ever is necessary to live a long and happy life.  Many of you feel, as do I, that I will fully recover from this and be happier, healthy, more confident and a better person for having had this experience.  I feel the support of your prayers daily, keep 'em coming! Thank you!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


My family and friends have shown up with full support.  After we have a doctor appointment, we all go out to eat, discuss and celebrate!  Laughter and love are two of the greatest contributors to building up the immune system.  Education seems to be the key.  Reading, listening to a variety of doctors, learning from the stories of cancer survivors, then figuring out what works for me.
As David Winston said, I'm in a maze right now, but there IS a way out. 
My cousin Joni, in Norfolk VA, eloquently sumarized my situation on her blog post entitled:
Today I had a Talk... Sunday, March 7, 2010  http://jojosjoie.blogspot.com/ She welcomes you to read it and enjoy her beautiful photos too!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

On January 19th, 2010 I went in for a routine gynecology appointment. Susan, my gynecologist, discovered a new lump, and on February 9, 2010 my biopsy revealed that I have breast cancer; for those of you familiar with cancer, it's invasive ductile carcinoma, grade 2 of 3, HER-2 negative and Receptor positive, a 1.3 cm lump, stage 2 . Basically, there are 2 types of breast cancer, one responds well to alopathic treatment with a high success rate, one doesn't. Naturally, I have the difficult one! Cancer is highly prevalent in our family, 15 cases in my direct line, including my youngest brother and 2 aunts.
Having been in the spiritual, physical, and emotional healing arts for over 26 years, it is important to me to honor a combination of all healing modalities when appropriate. Alopathic treatment is traditional medical attention, hospitals and chemically made medication. Holistic treatment is natural and non invasive, accomplishing the same end result. It incorporates the body, emotions and spirit as a whole.
Immediately my family and I dove into traditional Native American ceremony. Three ceremonies and over 70 beloveds (this is the name I give you, as each and every one of you are so very beloved to me) came to give support and help with the healing process. We were all so touched by the overwhelming power of love, and not a dry eye in the tee pee (yes, tee pee!).